Homework 1

Assignment: Create a Google Sheets visualization about foods you like.
Due: Monday, March 27th, 1:30pm Eastern

You are to create a data visualization in Google Sheets that explains to a viewer something about your taste in food, based on data that you will create. (That data doesn't have to be true, it just has to be personalized.) Please name your spreadsheet with your Andrew ID and "Homework #1, Telling Stories with Data".

This chart should contain at least two series, and the viewer's attention should be drawn to a specific series or data-point using standard techniques. Each series should be plotted against at least two dimensions, each with at least five points.

Each chart should be titled and all dimensions, axis, and legends should be appropriately labeled. (Note that not all visualizations require all of these features, but it should be possible for the viewer to understand what each feature of the chart is and what data it represents.)

When complete, please share the spreadsheet with david.newbury@gmail.com and lauren.renaud@gmail.com using the Google Sheets "Share" button, located in the top right of the interface. Within Sheets you can "add a comment" (top right corner next to the 'Share' button), or add a second sheet (+ sign in the bottom left corner of the screen). Within that comment or notes on another sheet, please provide a paragraph explaining:

  • What story you are intending to tell to the visitor.
  • How you drew the viewer's attention to the the story.
  • Why you chose the colors you chose.
  • Why you chose the type of chart you chose.

This assignment is due Monday, March 27th, before class. Please don't modify your spreasheet after submitting it.